Author Archives: Mike

Cow Rig – Softimage ICE

This is my first attempt to use Softimage ICE to drive the deformation of arms, legs, spine and tongue…
Lots of things to improve yet… but here it is so far!… There’s also a quick animation test in the end…
Basic rig, facial controls and doritos generated with my Rigging Tools…

Feel free to send me some suggestions!
Thanks for watching!

Cow RIG! from Mike Ogawa on Vimeo.


Rigging Tools – Softimage

This is a set of tools developed in Python to help rigging basic characters on Softimage!
Up to now, it is divided in 3 groups:

1) BODY RIG: A basic rig is created after positioning the shadow rig nulls. It includes, IK/FK and stretch arms, legs and spine. Afterwards, you’ll need to refine the envelope manually.

2) AUTO SHAPE CONTROLS: Creates automatically all shape controls and organizes it on your screen. You just have to choose an .obj with the shape. Right and Left shapes are automatically created through weightmap creation on ICE according to the size of the head.

3) DORITOS: Doritos controls are created automatically by creating a cluster of all points where you’d like to have a control. Afterwards, you’ll need to refine the envelope manually.

Feel free to send me some suggestions to improve this tool!
Thanks for watching!

Rigging Tools Prototype! from Mike Ogawa on Vimeo.

Wolf Rig!

Hi there! This is an old rig made on Softimage!
I did it back in 2011, but as they decided not to continue the short movie, I’m able to post it now!
Concept, modeling, face shapes done by Graça Filmes team!
Feel free to send me some comments!
Thank you for watching!